
2022-03-20 21:08:38

原标题:"古诗词《无题》英文版(李商隐《无题》英文翻译)"关于文章分享。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:kaka001。


李商隐的无题诗意境朦胧,非常难解.他的无题诗可分为三类:一是有明显寄托的;二是直赋其事的;三是寄托朦胧,无以指实的.其中第三类多描写爱情生活,成就最高,影响最大.其最大特点是情深、朦胧. 下面是英语翻译TO ONE UNNAMED Li Shangyin Time was long before I met her, but is longer since we parted, And the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone, And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die And every night the candles will weep their wicks away. Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing, Yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song. 。

It is not so very far to her Enchanted Mountain O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me what she says!。





Li Shangyin

Time was long before I met her, but is longer since we parted,

And the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone,

And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die

And every night the candles will weep their wicks away.

Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing,

Yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song.

It is not so very far to her Enchanted Mountain

O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me what she says!

3.帮我找下这首诗的英文原版(原诗无题) 多谢

Over the fence -- Strawberries -- grow -- Over the fence -- I could climb -- if I tried, I know -- Berries are nice! But -- if I stained my Apron -- God would certainly scold! Oh, dear, -- I guess if He were a Boy -- He'd -- climb -- if He could! by Emilu Dickinson。


That time is dead for ever, child!

Drowned, frozen, dead for ever!

We look on the past

And stare aghast

At the spectres wailing, pale and ghast,

Of hopes which thou and I beguiled

To death on life's dark river.

The stream we gazed on then rolled by;

Its waves are unreturning;

But we yet stand

In a lone land,

Like tombs to mark the memory

Of hopes and fears, which fade and flee

In the light of life's dim morning.


Last night the stars last night wind, painted floor, East桂堂Sipan.

Cai-Feng Shuangfei body without wings, heart beat are linked together.

Spring hook隔座send warm, sub-shot review Cao light red wax.

Guying handed more than listen to officer to turn zouma category Lantai Peng希望你能采纳谢谢

6.雪莱 《无题》(阴冷的大地)英文原文

Lines: The cold earth slept below The cold earth slept below; Above the cold sky shone; And all around, With a chilling sound, From caves of ice and fields of snow The breath of night like death did flow Beneath the sinking moon. The wintry hedge was black; The green grass was not seen; The birds did rest On the bare thorn's breast, Whose roots, beside the pathway track, Had bound their folds o'er many a crack Which the frost had made between. Thine eyes glow'd in the glare Of the moon's dying light; As a fen-fire's beam On a sluggish stream Gleams dimly--so the moon shone there, And it yellow'd the strings of thy tangled hair, That shook in the wind of night. The moon made thy lips pale, belov{`e}d; The wind made thy bosom chill; The night did shed On thy dear head Its frozen dew, and thou didst lie Where the bitter breath of the naked sky Might visit thee at will. Percy Bysshe Shelley。

7.雪莱 《无题》(阴冷的大地)英文原文

Lines: The cold earth slept below

The cold earth slept below;

Above the cold sky shone;

And all around,

With a chilling sound,

From caves of ice and fields of snow

The breath of night like death did flow

Beneath the sinking moon.

The wintry hedge was black;

The green grass was not seen;

The birds did rest

On the bare thorn's breast,

Whose roots, beside the pathway track,

Had bound their folds o'er many a crack

Which the frost had made between.

Thine eyes glow'd in the glare

Of the moon's dying light;

As a fen-fire's beam

On a sluggish stream

Gleams dimly--so the moon shone there,

And it yellow'd the strings of thy tangled hair,

That shook in the wind of night.

The moon made thy lips pale, belov{`e}d;

The wind made thy bosom chill;

The night did shed

On thy dear head

Its frozen dew, and thou didst lie

Where the bitter breath of the naked sky

Might visit thee at will.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

8.李商隐 无题(身无彩蝶双飞翼) 整首诗 的英文翻译

李商隐《无题》 相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。

Difficult to meet when it is difficult, the wind can not be a hundred flowers.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes.晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。

Xiao Jing, but worry Yunbin change, feel cold moonlight night.蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。Pengshan this to no way for Aotori Yin visit.来是空言去绝踪,月斜楼上五更钟。

Is no trace to words, oblique upstairs five clock. 梦为远别啼难唤,书被催成墨未浓。The dream is not far from crying hard to call, the book is believing. 蜡照半笼金翡翠,麝薰微度绣芙蓉。

As wax half cage gold jade, musk smoked micro embroidered lotus. 刘郎已恨蓬山远,更隔蓬山一万重!Liu Lang has been far away from the mountain, but also across the top ten thousand heavy! 昨夜星辰昨夜风,画楼西畔桂堂东。Last night the stars last night and the wind painting building West Bank Guangxi Tangdong. 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。

Cai Feng Shuangfei body without wings, heart to heart. 隔座送钩春酒暖,分曹射覆蜡灯红。Imitation to hook spring warm, sub Cao firing wax red lights. 嗟余听鼓应官去,走马兰台类转蓬。

Sigh Yu tinggu should go to Taiwan officer, Ma Lan zhuanpeng. 飒飒东风细雨来,芙蓉塘外有轻雷。The rain comes a ray of light wind, lotus pond. 金蟾啮锁烧香入,玉虎牵丝汲井回。

Toad into the jade tiger mesh lock incense, pull wire drawing well back. 贾氏窥帘韩掾少,宓妃留枕魏王才。Han Jia's peep curtain consists of small, fufei left occipital Wei Wangcai. 春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰!Love Mo all other flowers, Acacia inch of an inch of ashes!重帏深下莫愁堂,卧后清宵细细长。

The heavy curtain of deep lying under the Mochou hall, after the Qing Xiao slender. 风波不信菱枝弱,月露谁教桂叶香。The storm did not believe Ling weak branches, the moon dew who teach cinnamon leaves. 直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。

Straight lovesickness useless, is not nuisance melancholy mad. 译文 见面的机会真是难得,分别时也难舍难分,况且又兼东风将收的暮春天气,百花残谢,更加使人伤感。 春蚕结茧到死时丝才吐完,蜡烛要燃完成灰时像泪一样的蜡油才能滴干。



题解 就诗而论,这是一首表示两情至死不渝的爱情诗。然而历来颇多认为或许有人事关系上的隐托。





莎士比亚《无题》诗9首(4) 黄 新 渠 译 7 Thin lips red, fancy's fed With all sweets when he meets, And is granted There to trade, and is made Happy, sure, to endure still undaunted. Pretty chin doth win Of all (the world) commendations; Fairest neck, no speck; All her parts merit high admirations. 七 鲜红的薄唇交流着柔情蜜意, 承受意中人的雨露甘霖, 寻欢作乐,任意恣情 漂亮的脸颊获得天下的赞美。

最娇嫩的颈项,白璧无瑕; 她身上每一部分值得世人倾心。 8 A pretty bare, past compare, Parts those plots which besots still asunder. It is meet naught but sweet But mishap, no scape Inferior to nature's perfection; No blot, no spot: She's beauty's queen in election. 八 毫无装饰的美人,美妙绝伦, 她身上的每条曲线 浑然一体,恰到好处, 无一不令人陶醉销魂。

那是稀有的奇迹,馥郁芳香。 并无什麽不幸,一切都恰如其分, 足以使其美与自然的完美抗争。

既无污点,也无瑕斑, 她是举世拥戴的王后,绝代佳人。 9 Whilst I dreamt, I, exempt (From ) all care, seems to share Pleasures in plenty; But awake, care take------- For I find to my mind Pleasures scanty. Therefore I will try To compass my heart's chief contenting. To delay, some say, In such a case causeth repenting. Notes: Bracketed words indicate alterations to correct what appear to be errors by the copyist; "sue" in Line 5 is the most recent rendering of the text. 九 漫游幻境,心旷神怡, 我仿佛享尽了无穷的欢欣; 一觉醒来,我忧心忡忡, 却感到人间欢乐太少, 因此我要尽情享受, 以满足我饥渴的心灵。

有人说,在爱情的份上可别迟疑, 千万别让悔恨匆匆降临。


