原标题:"激励自己的名人名言(励志名言奋斗的句子)"关于句子分享。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:kaka001。
Oftentimes letting go has nothing to do with weakness,and everything to do with renewed strength.we let go,not because we need others to realize and acknowledge our worth,but because we are finally starting to realize and acknowledge our own worth again.
When you discover something that nourishes your soul and brings you joy-something that truly matters to you -care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.

Learn to love and respect yourself,too,instead of simply loving the idea of other people loving and respecting you.
Learn to take care of yourself and become a noteworthy part of your own support system.your needs matter.start meeting them.stop waiting on others to choose you.choose yourself,today.

Forgive yourself for those times when you lacked clarity,for those foolish decisions you made that caused needless stress and frustration.
When you hve two good choices,always go with the one that scares you the most,because that’s the one that’s going to help you grow.

The sharpest weapon most of us have against negativity and stress is our ability to choose one present thought over another.
Nothing in life is fixed or permanent.every moment provides an ending and a beginning.a second chance literally arrives every second.

You are not the same person you were last year,yesterday,or even an hour ago.you are always growing.that’s life.and the very life experiences that seem the hardest when you are going through them are often the ones you will look back on with gratitude for how far you’ve come.