
2022-07-30 13:35:01




  我是巴里 艾伦 我是世界上最快的人\My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive.

  当我还是个孩子的时候\When I was a child I saw

  我看见我的母亲被某些不可思议的东西杀死了\my mother killed by something impossible.

  我的父亲因为谋杀母亲而进了监狱\My father went to prison for her murder.

  但后来一场事故让我变得不可思议\Then an accident made me the impossible.

  对外界而言 我只是一个平凡的法证科员\To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist,

  但是私下里 我用我的速度来对抗罪恶\but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime

  并找出其他像我一样的人\and find others like me.

  总有一天 我会找出杀害我母亲的凶手\And one day, I'll find who killed my mother...


  并为我的父亲洗脱冤屈\And get justice for my father.

  我就是闪电侠\I am the Flash.

  【闪电侠】前情提要\Previously on The Flash...

  你再说一遍你叫什么名字\What did you say your name was again?

  -巴里 艾伦 -菲莉西蒂\- Barry Allen. - Felicity.

  巴里怎么样了\How's Barry doing?

  - 这是个秘密 - 哪种秘密\- It's a secret. - What kind of secret?

  我必须保守的秘密\The kind I have to keep.

  我有过一点点经验\I just have a little experience

  喜欢一个以不同的方式看待你的人\with liking someone who doesn't see the same way.

  - 爸爸 事情就是 - 你们俩在一起\- Dad, the thing is... - You two are dating.

  - 所以你没气疯 - 噢 我气疯了\- So you're not mad. - Oh, I'm mad.

  世界上最快的人下班之后会做什么呢\What does the fastest man alive do on his day off?

  在被闪电劈中之前 我不是呆在犯罪实验室\Before the lightning bolt, if I wasn't still at the crime lab,

  就是宅在家里无所事事\I'd be at home chilling,

  但是现在不同了\but now my days off are different.

  现在他们都不会那么孤单了\Now they aren't so lonely.

  闪电不仅仅给了我速度\The lightning didn't just give me speed.

  也给了我朋友\It also gave me friends.

  这个在结构上错得太离谱了\This isn't even remotely anatomically correct.

  那不是重点 斯诺博士\That's not the point, Dr. Snow.

  那什么是重点\Then what is the point?

  好玩啊\To have fun.

  还有通过同时完成多项任务的方式\And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed

  测试你的思维速度来对你进行继续训练\of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask.

  我在等你呢 韦尔斯博士\I'm waiting on you, Dr. Wells.

  182秒 先生们\182 seconds, gentlemen.

  当心点 我想我们遇到麻烦了\Heads up! I think we got something.

  2-11 2-11 有人抢劫\2-11, 2-11. We're being robbed!

  嘿 冷静点\Hey, cool it.

  还有158秒\158 seconds to go.


  - 等等 将军吗 - 将军\- Wait, checkmate? - Checkmate.

  我想你还得学着点\I guess we still have a few things left to learn,

  不是吗 艾伦先生\don't we, Mr. Allen?

  第四大道和柯林斯街交界处发生持械抢劫\Armed robbery at 4th and Collins.

  郑重声明 操作能力和乒乓球我可都赢了\For the record, I crushed it in operation and ping pong.

  这个并不像看起来那么容易\It's not as easy as it looks.


  最近的医院在哪儿\Where's the nearest hospital?

  圣安德鲁斯医院 先往北过七个街区 再往东过两个\St. Andrews... Seven blocks north, two east.

  给急诊室打个电话 告诉他们将有一个枪弹伤者被送过去\Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW.

  快去 我要把这整个街区\Let's go. I want this locked up all the way

  都封锁起来\to the end of the block.

  两辆卡车被偷了\Tow truck was stolen.

  装甲车的驾驶员现在在圣安德鲁斯医院\Driver of the armored car is in a stable condition

  情况稳定 但是没人知道他是怎么到那儿去的\at St. Andrews, and no one's exactly sure how he got there.

  你有没有查看监控录像\Did you check the security cameras?

  摄像机的存储驱动器被偷了\Camera's storage drive was stolen.

  这些家伙挺专业啊\Guys are pros.

  所有东西都还在这儿\Everything's still here,

  包括我以为他们要抢的\including what I think they were after,

  康达克王朝钻石\the Kahndaq dynasty diamond.

  它正在送往中城博物馆展览的途中\It was on its way to central city museum for exhibition.

  对 艾瑞斯还想让我去博物馆\Right, Iris is trying to talk me into going.

  我对博物馆的兴趣不大\I'm not much of a museum guy,

  但是当她真心想要干嘛的时候\but when she really wants to do something...

  我先走了\I'm just going to walk away now.

  对不起 长官 我刚刚去医院\Sorry, captain. I was at the hospital

  - 看望一个朋友 - 没丢什么东西\- visiting a friend. - There's nothing missing.

  看起来像是有人阻止了一场抢劫\It looks like someone interrupted a robbery.

  守卫说他们有三个人\Guard says there was three of them.

  事实上 有四个\Actually, there was four.

  我是说 如果去我抢劫这类型的\I mean, that's how many I would bring

  我会带这么多人\if I were doing a robbery of this nature.

  那确实是一辆坐着四人的卡车\That's definitely a four guy truck.

  一个驾驶员 两个人对付守卫 还有\A driver, two more to cover the guards, and...

  一个人用液氮来破门\Somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door,

  所以是四个坏蛋\so four bad guys.

  谢谢你 艾伦先生 你如此牛逼的洞察力\Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your brilliant insight.

  作为一个如此快的人\For somebody so fast,

  你在编故事这方面反应有点慢啊\you're a little slow on the improvising.

  你发现了什么可以帮助我们抓住这些家伙的东西吗\Did you see anything that could help us catch these guys?

  是的 他们其中一人丢失了面罩\Yeah, one of them lost his mask.

  我看见了他的脸\I saw his face.

  看看这些中城头号通缉犯的照片\So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted,

  看能不能找到我们要找的家伙\and see if you can find our guy.

  是他\That's him.


  莱昂纳多·史纳特\Leonard Snart.

  莱昂纳多 名字差不多跟巴塞洛缪一样难听\Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew.

  史纳特也不好听啊\Snart ain't sexy, either.

  史纳特的父亲是个警察\Snart's father was a cop...

  是个坏警察\Was a bad cop.

  他总是拿他的孩子出气 直到他最终进了监狱\Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison.

  史纳特的父亲也在监狱里\Snart's dad's in prison too?

  我们可以开个俱乐部了\We should start a club.

  他 大概 每半年出现一次\He shows up, like, every six months.

  他在行动之前会勘察好几周\He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move.

  然后就作案 逃跑\Then, he does the job... Gets away.

  那是在红色印迹出现之前\That's before The Streak was around.

  你刚刚是用第三人称称呼你自己吗\Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?

  我是说红色印迹 而且我可以超越它\I referred to The Streak, which I'm pretty sure I can top.

  我一直在想新的名字\I've been thinking of a new name.

  你觉得闪电\What do you think about The Fla...

  咖啡时间\Coffee break.

  我要把中城里最好喝的爪哇咖啡\Thought I would bring Central City's finest java

  带给中城最棒的人喝\over to Central City's finest.

  谢谢 我戒咖啡因了\Thanks. I'm off caffeine.

  自从我把我跟埃迪的事告诉我爸之后\My dad's been mad at me every since I told him

  他就一直在生我的气\about me and Eddie.

  不 我觉得他生气是因为你没告诉他\No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him.

  呃 首先 这话听起来 你是站在他那边的\Uh, first, that sounds like you're taking his side,

  第二 你知道他是怎么对待这一切的吗\and second, do you know how he does this whole,

  我不会跟你说话 但是从此以后\I'm not talking to you, but I have a whole bag

  我会用批判的眼光看到你们\"Full of judgmental looks I'm gonna try out on you later?

  嗯 我也有几次\yeah, I've been on the receiving end

  这样的经历\of those a few times.

  说到交流\Speaking of communications,

  或者缺少理论 上完这么多新闻课之后\or lack thereof, after all of these journalism classes,

  -我想到了个主意 -嗯\- I got an idea. - Huh.

  我开了个博客\I started a blog.

  哦 关于什么的 你的布朗尼痴迷症吗\All right, what's it about? Your brownie obsession?

  因为 你知道的 有些东西不说出去比较好\'Cause, you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that.

  不 是一些重要事情\No, something important.

  中城市民需要知道的事情 就是那道红色印迹\Something that Central City needs to know about, The Streak.

  他真的存在 巴里\He's out there, Barry.

  有人说 他阻止了早先那场装甲车抢劫案\Rumor has it, he stopped an armed car robbery earlier.

  我希望能够看看相关文件 并且\I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and...

  什么 我不能随意\What? I'm not at liberty

  跟你讨论一桩正在调查中的案子\to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you.

  从什么时候开始的 大嘴巴先生\Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?

  相信一个自11岁开始就一直\Take it from someone who's been

  在调查一件不可思议案件的人吧\investigating the impossible since they were 11.

  写这方面的博客\Blogging about this is

  你只会搬石头砸自己的脚\only gonna bring the crazies to your front door.

  我的博客是匿名的\My blog is anonymous.

  无论是否署名 都是不安全的\All right, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe.

  你永远都不会知道在网上四处闲逛的\You never know what kind of weirdos are out there

  都有什么样的怪胎\trolling on the internet.

  我能担保那是真的\I can vouch for that.

  网上到处都是奇葩和激进分子\The internet is full of weirdos and nerd rage...

  无数无数的愤青\Lots and lots of nerd rage.

  你好 我是菲莉西蒂·斯莫克\Hi. Felicity Smoak.

  我是艾瑞斯·韦斯特\Iris West.

  我是巴里·艾伦\Barry Allen.

  不过你们都已经知道了 菲莉西蒂是…\But you both already knew that. Felicity is...

  你在星城认识的\The girl that you met in Starling City,

  电脑专家 是吧\the computerer, right?

  你们一起研究巴里的一个不可解释案件\You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases.

  长话短说 其实真的是可以合理解释的一个案子\Which, long story short, was definitely explainable.

  所以闪电侠来这里了是吗\So the lightning came through here?


  过去几周就已经有些谣言了\There's been some rumors the last few weeks.

  人们在街上看到了一个红色模糊的身影\People seen a red blur tearing through the streets.

  那究竟是什么\What the hell is it, man?

  那可能是个无人机\Maybe it was a drone.

  顶尖的军事机密\Some top secret army thing.

  在我小时候 我祖父常常\When I was a kid, my grandfather used to

  带我和我姐姐去汽车餐厅吃饭\take my sister and me to this diner, the motorcar.

  食物很难吃 但是卖相却很好\Food was for crap, but the view was great,

  就在中城警署对面\right across from the Central City precinct.

  我现在还是会去那里 去听听他们的广播\I still go there. I listen to their radios.

  弄懂他们的反应时间\I learn their response times.

  城中心有40家银行\There are 40 banks in Central City,

  每家银行都会在60秒内得到警察的支援\each of them within 60 seconds of police response.

  这也是瞄准移动目标的好处\That's the advantage of hitting a moving target.

  当装甲车报警时\Once the armored car called 911,

  在警察赶到之前 我们还有182秒的时间可以逃离\we had 182 seconds before any cop could be on the scene.

  没有人能够及时阻止我们\No one could have gotten there fast enough to stop us.

  但是有东西出阻止了\But something did,

  然后你就乱了阵脚\and you lost your cool.

  你知道规矩的\You know the rules.

  不在万不得已的时候 我们绝不击毙警卫或者警察\We don't shoot guards or cops unless it's the only option.

  我们不需要这个高潮\We don't need the heat.

  高潮?\The heat?

  你觉得那团模糊是什么 史纳特\What the hell do you think the blur is, Snart?

  算了 去他妈的\Right. Screw this.

  去你的 我不干了\Screw you. I'm out.

  你不干了 那你也就没什么用处了\Well, if you're out, you're out.

  那团模糊是个人\This blur is a man.

  看来游戏得升级了\We're gonna have to up our game.

  艾瑞斯人很好\Iris seems very nice.

  也很漂亮 超级美\And really pretty. Like, super pretty.


  但她不是我女朋友\Well, Iris isn't my girlfriend.

  其实她已经名花有主了\She's just a friend who actually has a boyfriend.

  噢 那还 真是有意思\Oh, that's... Interesting,

  我猜\I guess.

  你来这里干嘛\What are you really doing here?

  我是高兴见到你\I mean, it's good to see you,

  但你和奥利弗是不是有什么需要…\but do you and Oliver need something, or...

  不不 我是来是因为我想见你\No, no, I came because I wanted to see you.

  我听说你从昏迷中醒来\I heard you were out of the coma.

  没给我打电话 没有写信给我\Didn't call, didn't write,

  也没有跑过来\didn't race over...

  奥利弗告诉你的吗\Oliver told you?

  其实 那天晚上我听到\Honestly, I heard you two talking

  你们两个在星城楼顶的谈话\on that rooftop in Starling City that night.

  我想看看\I want to see it.

  我是指你的速度\And by I mean your speed,

  别以为我是在说其他的什么\in case you thought I was talking about something else,

  -我别无他意 -好\- which I... which I was not. - Okay.

  你看到那座楼了吗\Okay, you see that building?


  睁大眼睛看着它\Keep your eyes on it.

  呜 呼\Whoo-hoo!


  你给我拍了张照\You took a picture of me?

  从那座楼顶上吗\From the top of that building?

  是的 不要分享那个照片\Yeah. Don't instagram that.


  你的鞋子在冒烟\Your shoes are smoking.

  没 没事 这个 这个 偶尔会发生\That... that's fine. It's... it happens sometimes.

  这也是我会有一套防摩擦制服的原因\It's why I have a friction-proof suit.

  你从哪得到的\Where did you get that?

  我带你去看\I'll show you.

  模拟警用波频监控犯罪活动的地方\monitors the police bands for criminal activity.

  我们能追踪到这个城市里发生的任何事情\We can track anything that's happening in the city.

  来看看这个\Check this out.

  我们有自己的人造卫星\We've got our own satellite.

  我知道\I know.

  我偶尔会黑进去\I've hacked into it from time to time.

  -真没礼貌 -是的 没错\- Rude. - It is, of course,

  能再看到你太好了 菲莉西蒂\so wonderful to see you again, Felicity.

  我只是想知道\I'm just wondering

  她还需要知道多少我们的行动\how much of our operation she needs to know about.

  我真的很善于保守秘密\I'm really good at keeping secrets.

  对了 菲莉西蒂和绿箭侠一起工作\Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow.

  -酷毙了 -而你很显然没有和他们一起\- Sweet. - And you apparently are not.

  现在一切都说得通了\Now it's all making sense.

  你知道谁是绿箭侠吗\You know who The Arrow is.

  等下 你知道谁是绿箭侠吗\Wait, do you know who The Arrow is?


  只能说我的队伍有一个类似的配置\Let's just say that my team has a similar set up,

  但有 我们的目标更有针对性\but with... More pointy objects.

  欢迎 斯莫克小姐\Welcome, Ms. Smoak.

  韦尔斯博士\Dr. Wells?

  传说中的韦尔斯博士吗\The Dr. Wells?

  叫我哈里森就可以了 菲莉西蒂\Please, call me Harrison, Felicity.

  你知道我是谁\Oh, you know who I am?

  19岁就在\Ranked second in

  国家信息技术竞赛中\the national informative technology competition

  取得第二名的佳绩\at age 19,

  毕业于麻省理工 取得\graduated M.I.T. With masters degree

  网络安全和计算机科学专业的硕士学位\in cyber security and computer sciences.

  我知道你是谁\I know who you are.

  我一直关注科学领域有潜力的天才\I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields.

  就是这样找到了思科 凯特琳\It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin,

  我在你身上看到了无限的潜能\and I foresaw great things from you.

  说到潜能\Speaking of great things,

  想看一些很酷的东西吗\want to see something cool?

  他能跑多快\How fast can he run?

  理论上来说\He hasn't reached his top speed yet,

  他还没有达到他的最快速度\theoretically speaking.

  他真的没有问题吗\So is he really okay?

  他的心跳对他来说是在正常范围内\His heart rate is within normal range for him.

  不 我的意思是 闪电球改变了他\No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him.

  你们中有人知道 改变了多少吗\Do any of you really know how much?

  我们知道的相当多\We know a fair amount.

  如果他身上的一切都在加速\If everything about him is sped up,

  他是否会老的更快\is he going to age faster?

  如果他跑得太快了会怎样\What would happen if he ran too fast?

  我是说 他会不会跑着跑着 然后 噗\I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof,

  他就在红衣里面化成一堆灰\he's dust in a red costume?

  我们在科技之星实验室里做的一切\Everything we do here at S.T.A.R. Labs

  都是为了保护巴里·艾伦\is to protect Barry Allen.

  相信我 菲莉西蒂 他在这里被照顾得很好\Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here.

  想知道我倒退能跑多快吗\Want to see how fast I can run backwards?

  别担心 他痊愈也很快\Don't worry. He heals quickly too.
