关于关于风景(About the Scenery(优选))

2022-04-27 21:50:28

本文是互汇语录网最新发布的关于关于关于风景 About the Scenery(优选)的详细好词好句参考范文,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给分享给大家学习。

I like to travel so much, because I can see different scenery. Many years ago, my parents took me to visit my uncle, who lived in another city. It was the first time for me to visit another place. I was attracted by the different features and scenery. I realized that the world was so big, I should study hard, so I could explore the world.

以上关于关于风景(About the Scenery(优选))的内容,由互汇语录网搜集整理分享。
