关于我最喜爱的节日(My Favorite Festival(优选))

2022-04-27 21:53:10

本文是互汇语录网最新发布的关于关于我最喜爱的节日 My Favorite Festival(优选)的详细好词好句参考范文,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给分享给大家学习。

When festival comes, I will be very excited, because it is a good time for my families to get together and we share our happiness. My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn festival, I can eat mooncake. It is so delicious for me. The moon looks so bright and big. We can appreciate it while playing cards in the balcony.

以上关于我最喜爱的节日(My Favorite Festival(优选))的内容,由互汇语录网搜集整理分享。
