关于我的舞台(My Stage(优选))

2022-04-28 16:31:51

本文是互汇语录网最新发布的关于关于我的舞台 My Stage(优选)的详细好词好句参考范文,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给分享给大家学习。

I was a shy girl and I never dared to make performance in the public, but everything will have the exception. Last week, our English teacher gave us a job. All students needed to make performance in group. I was chosen to be the protagonist in my team. At first, I told them that I couldn’t make it, but they believed that I was the suitable person. So I practised hard and tried to get over my fear. It was my stage. I stood in front of my classmates. With my teammates, I finished my job. I felt so cool and dared to face so many people.

以上关于我的舞台(My Stage(优选))的内容,由互汇语录网搜集整理分享。
