关于我的新偶像(My New Idol(优选))

2022-04-28 16:33:17

本文是互汇语录网最新发布的关于关于我的新偶像 My New Idol(优选)的详细好词好句参考范文,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给分享给大家学习。

Recently, I saw a movie about the wonder woman. She was one of the superheroes in the cartoon. Many people know about superman, Captain America and Batman, but Wonder Woman is the only one female heroes in the series cartoon. She is my new idol now. As a girl, I see the power from this amazing character. She is strong and independent. What's more, she brings the bad guys to justice. Wonder Woman presents the raising power of female. At that time, women were struggling to win the right to vote, so this character came into being. Now omen have won more rights and more and more females are as strong as Wonder Women.

以上关于我的新偶像(My New Idol(优选))的内容,由互汇语录网搜集整理分享。
