
2024-09-11 14:32:25

小编给大家分享关于b计划英文(精选14篇)的范文,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。。 - 素材来源网络 编辑:李欢欢。




Baleful Internet Information control and its dilemma


Of rubbish mail put in, also be the contribution of baleful software.


If we did not have the baleful example of -08, this would already be a significant crisis.


He now thinks this influence was baleful.


There is nothing so baleful to a small man as the shade of a great one, particularly the great man of a city.



据说人有三次投胎的机会,一是出生的家庭, 二是读大学,三是工作后的头四年,女孩子再加一次嫁人,可见大学是一次重新选择的机会。

说三个人要被关进监狱:法国人,美国人和犹太人,他们可以带一样东西,法国人要了一位漂亮的女郎,美国人要了一盒雪茄,犹太人要了一部电话,出来时法国人带着女郎和一个孩子,美国人喊着要打火机,犹太人通话电话建立了一个商业王国。可见一个人当前的境况并不是现在决定的,而是三年前的你决定的。就好比一个人听了讲座,很激动,发誓要学好英语,这只能说明三年前的他没有定下决心。两个分别在大一和大四决心学英语的人,他们的区别是:一个已经精通,一个可能一辈子都学不好了。就像新概念三第50课中说:The New Year is a time for resolutions. 我们可以说:September is a time for you to make a game plan.


1) 大一:

刚进大学,有大量的新鲜事物有待探索 (remain to explore),很多人把大量的时间花在左顾右盼上,但是有一部分同学,他们目标坚定,内心成熟,他们已经拿起新概念,在校园里晨读起来。如果大学有一件事情值得你坚持四年,那么它就是早读。

第一学期, 从高中细节的语法学习、题海轰炸过度到大学兴趣为主、阅读为王的学习方式,你可能要花点时间适应;之后,第二学期你就可以开始准备四级,用一个月的时间把词汇解决。然后你要做一些阅读和真题,轻松地就能通过四级考试。作为大学中一个最简单的考试,它只是给你些许开始的信心。如果认为自己基础稍弱一些的,可以先系统的学习一下新概念二册或初、中级阅读,打下基础,再过考试。

2) 大二:

你内心清楚自己的目标是六级,但是这个时候,你可能会对听力口语产生一些兴趣,是的,你应该找出几盒有难度进阶的磁带来练听力。有几个原则必须遵守:一、不看原文(不把听力变成阅读);二、在安静的环境下认真听;三、反复听相同的东西。第一盒磁带可能会让你生不如死,过了一个月才大致听懂,没有关系,第二盒磁带可能就只需要20天了,第三盒磁带可能只需要15天,当听到第5盒磁带再回头听第一盒时,就会有想打自己耳光的感觉 (could have kicked yourself),怪自己为什么当初听不懂这么简单的内容。

大二的时候,英语学习观似乎有些变化,虽然你通过努力可能也过了六级考试,但是你发现一切知识都要应用,六级考题对于你来说更多的是一种表达方式。这个时候,系统学习一下新概念三对于增强自己的表达法,深入了解英文行文规则很有帮助。至于口语,找一个志同道合的人,加上新三的强大知识库,每天练习,有三个月,就会有突飞猛进的感觉。 推荐同学们听《千万别学英语》,看《friends》。

3) 大三:


有了六级的基础, 词汇还需要再加强一些,大概有几百个难词要突击一下,阅读要每天坚持练习,听力和口语是很自然的事情。剩下写作是最难的,即使是自己的母语,也不一定人人都能写出一手好文章,所以每个星期写上两篇便很必要,有机会要高手替你修改。 如果实在没有这个机会,就参加一个单独的写作班,向高人学习一些方法。如果有兴趣,自己好好研习新概念四册,便会知道高人是如何用英文来表达生命、哲学等抽象话题了。 不一定每个人都能拿托福雅思高分,但是作为自己英语学习最后的也是最权威的检验,它的意义非凡。

4) 大四:




1、Now more and more students like study English, for it is the best popular language in the world. I am one of them, too. I started study English since , when I was in grade 4 of primary school. Although it is a long time for me to study English study, but my English is not good. My CET-4 score is only 428, I don’t know how long I could pass CET-6 test, too.

But now I have another change to learn English lessons, I am confident that I can improve my English results, as long as I work hard. So I must formulation a detailed plan for English study. First, listening carefully in every English lesson. English lessons are the most time for me to contact English. I need treasures the time and make full use of it. Second, speaking usually and loudly. Every language study has the same way, use it more and more as possible. Third, reading books. I want to read some English articles in the next two years, such as China Daily, 21st Century, Sky news. Finally, insist on writing. Practice is the only way to improve the level of English writing, so I need to write more to my best.

Learning English is a long lasting work, we must insist on it. There is a proverb in China, ” Lives old, learns old”. I remember it clearly.

2、With the rapid development of the society, more and more people have began to realize if you don’t want to have an experience of culture shock, please study English hard and speak it fluently. As a study of a new life, learning English is also my important task for the further education. So, it is necessary for every one to write a plan for English study. And I will try my best to study English well during the 2.5 years.

First, to insistent will lead to victory. In order to enhance the personal listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation ability, persistent exposure to English is essential. Of course, ways and means is varied.

Then, combine the English study with professional learning consciously. As a professional, for a good development, further study of English is necessary.

Last but not the least, if possible, for the opportunity to go abroad, hat may be the best way to learn English. Language learning environment is the best teacher.

3、Although I’m a postgraduate of Yanshan University, my English level is only CET4.I learned my English hard in my undergraduate period, I will do my best to my English for postgraduates in the new term. So, I have made a plan for my study as follows:

First of all, I must to hold self-confident. I know the self-confident is very important to me. Though I didn’t past CET6, I never lose my interest and I will adhere to my plan. Following the teacher’s plan also is important.

Secondly, I will work hard in reading, listening, speaking and writing. I will read articles everyday, such as China Daily. I also flip through some English website. In order to improve my English, I set down some English listening exercises, and listening English everyday. I need to remember words everyday, 25 per day. On weekend, I try my best to write a journal.

Thirdly, I must ensure the learning time to study, and never make excuse for myself.

I believe I have the ability to fulfill my plan and past CET6.I want to put into practice what has been learned.


My Business Plan

Nowadays, the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem.

Many university students after graduation not find the job but stay at home.

As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering.

So I have a business plan.

I want to open a flower shop.

The location of flower shop is very important.

Usually the florist location follow avoid excessive competition principle, is to choose the florist less place.

In the larger of the stream to the location where demand for flowers, bigger places, such as hospitals, etc.

Name signs design is very important.

Because it was the first to introduce catches the eye, so must concise let a person at the first glance to remember.

And to have the certain culture connotation, so your brand is easier to be remembered.

Stores have their own decorate a style, close to nature, such as brick wall, and the stone wall, board wall.

The ground must be waterproof slip resistance, easy to clean up.

The store shelves can choose natural wood frame of the glass and transparent.

At the florist before opening the florist business products need category and business scope down.

The category includes flowers, potted flower, dry flower, process such as silk flowers, business include household flower arrangement, gift flowers, wedding flowers, etc.

When a customer came in to warm greeting customers.

Try to know the customer buy flowers use and its individual fond of.

And leave your client's name.

Even if the customer didn't buy any product to also have no relation, to get good information records.

If the customer after come again, with him a chat, you expect them to say his be fond of, name and so on, he will certainly surprised, moved, the client will immediately pulled close distance with you, this deal will greatly improve rate.

With the customer communication in note that certain details, to someone with customers browse shop, introduce products.

Will vigorously develop the other way sales, such as telephone service, network and so on.

Many customers didn't have time to buy flowers, and consumption ability, which has phone transactions, trading online huge market.

But to solve the credit problem, payments, phone number and website propaganda and so on.

For my business planning should be down-to-earth, one step a footprint.

Can not just to walk before you run.

Everything begins from nothing .

Then step by step ahead toward.


Business plan

Business name:Tea restaurant business plan The entrepreneurial inspiration:

Tea, has a long history in China, the legend “Shennong tea is made from, Wen Lu Zhou Gong, Hing in Tang Dynasty and flourishing in Song dynasty.” Tea sage, Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty (AD 733- eight hundred and forty years) on the compilation of the first tea monograph “tea”.

Business objective:

Now the market is engaged in tea business and another store and supply a large number, but really understand tea culture, tea, tea health professionals understood, we taste the tea fragrance, aftertaste and can understand some of the tea culture, tea knowledge, master some tea health function can add tea tastes, and to human health, disease prevention and help, what is there against itSo, I choose in the tea business projects at the same time to popularize the knowledge of tea, reason is the increase in economic benefits at the same time, improve the social benefits.

Program abstract:

In business activities, the first is to improve the quality of service, warm reception every customer, according to the customer demand, have a definite object in view, introduces the characteristics of products, price levels, at the same time, provide the beverage, health knowledge, method of storing knowledge, in order to succeed in business activities, business activities during the early, do good propaganda work, such as a printed card issuance, inform the operating characteristics, service content (e.


, free delivery, free consulting) preferences, two-way contact method, according to many years of community medical service experience, to warm and services, quality products, preferential prices, to win the market a patient consulting.

Specific strategies and processes:

Risk prevention measures:

1, take the business community, visit, price concessions, services in place -- sell

2, the purchase of Jiapin quality or quantity big tea art -- Promotion

3, art display, increase in popularity -- shopping, tea culture exhibition

Risk awareness prepared: (a total of eight months of about 32113.

80 yuan loss)

1,EntrepreneurshipInitially, a Rangli, recognized by the market, pay the fee is essential, prepared according to the fixed costs, assume risk of deficit, the monthly decline to 60% in 10%, six months after reaching the flat, calculation is as follows:

The first month: 9578*60%=5746.

80 yuan

Second months: 9578*50%=4789.

00 yuan

Third months: 9578*40%=3831.

20 yuan

Fourth months: 9578*30%=2873.

40 yuan

Fifth months: 9578*20%=1915.

60 yuan

Sixth months: 9578*10%=957.

80 yuan

Total: $3.


In 2, thus beginning the rental shop go through trade license, health permits, bidEntrepreneurshipOrganization to handle the relevant formalities, period also decoration, polyester and the necessary equipment, the purchase and many other preparations.

Last about two months time, need to pay two months rent 1 yuan shop.

The practice of project funds of about 120000 RMB, the budget is as follows:

Funding sources: self-financing loans 70000 RMB, 50000 RMB.

Rental shops: area of about 30 square, bottle: 1000 yuan.

Telephone (fixed and mobile):2000 yuan.

Total: $8000.

Pay: I pay 1000 yuan / month

Employee salary: 8000 yuan / month.

Total: $1800.

Electricity: refrigerator, shop, store and outdoor advertising lighting: 700 yuan / month.

Communication, traffic fee: 300 yuan / month.

Purchase: about 30000 yuan (a small number of times)

Prior to the opening of capital investment:

The rent of 24000 yuan, 20000 yuan, 8000 Yuan decoration facilities, the purchase of 30000 yuan

Total: 82000 RMB.

Breakeven analysis of business amount: (decoration cost 20000 yuan + facilities purchase cost 8000 yuan) / thirty-six months of =778 yuan / month (depreciation)

Rent 6000 yuan / month, salary 1800 yuan / month, communication, the sources of energy cost 1000 yuan.

Gauge: monthly expenditure 9578 yuan (fixed cost)

Quasi: gross margin of 35%, the national tax 17%

The 9578+9578*0.17/0.35=3 yuan / month (turnover), about 1100 yuan / day (turnover)












Im going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I wont miss it.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,Im coming!

On July 23rd my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at YuTingqiao hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.

The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, , North Lake and Xiang Hill. I know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

Later, I went back with my parents by plane. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.


Last year, i visited beijing.

Ialways looked forward to visiting there. so I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep on the night before i started. I got up early and packed my backpack for the journey. In my pack, i put a camera, some clothes,a cell phone and so on. It took me 35 hours to go there by train. I visited some places of interest in beijing, such as the great wall, the ming tombs and so on . They are very beautiful?i enjoyed myself. I felt tired but excited because I have learned a lot about the history of the city.

As soon as i arrived home, i phoned my classmates and told them about me.


I used to be a small lazy, do everything to help others, even eat all in bed to eat, that day, I went to my body lazy country travel, I no longer lazy.

Midnight 12 oclock, I hung up, get up to eat, then I saw my desk there is a small car, I hand touched, I immediately became very small and small, the car has a line of words “Go to your body to travel it!” I drove into my body ...

I came to a place, there is a sign, written welcome to the lazy country. I saw a few villains on the road frown, sighing. I went and asked: “man, why are you unhappy?” Villain head down and said: “Not long ago, we Qin country was lazy country defeated, we were caught as a slave .When our king died Let a small car to pick you up, this time the dog can make you agile. ”Then more than a dog next, it has a piece of time, I thank you again and again came out.

The next morning, I was sleeping in bed, I pushed the dog on the side of the day, it jumped into the bed, into a mace, to my body a dozen, I hurt to jump out of bed, holding The body called the pain, had to be forced to get up, and then write homework in the morning, wrote half of the bed went to lying, repeatedly said tired. Time dog let me finish homework, I do not listen, it turned into a machine gun kept me ammunition, I was it beaten it, I drilled into the quilt, it also got into my hair, Second forced to write homework. I was lying on the bed while eating while watching TV, it let me go to dinner, I still do not listen to it, it turned into a small atomic bomb to me smiled, I scared out a cold sweat, I bite the bullet and said: You are kind of come, want to fight is right? I am not afraid of you! “It began to chase me, I scared to jump, it hot pursuit. I was forced to close the TV for the third time, sitting in a chair to eat, my heart is unhappy.

Day and day, I gradually began to do not need time dog, then, the dog suddenly disappeared, and that night, I saw a small car pick me up to the lazy country, where people have The brand changed, here is the Qin country. I saw the little man he saw me came to run over and said happily: ”The lazy country has perished.“ Then he said with a blush: ”If you are still lazy, the time dog will come “I nodded.

At this time, my mother told me to get up, and usually I did not move, this day I got up a bone up, the original is a dream. ”Ah!“ I made a stay for a while, laughed, my mother Zhang two monks puzzled, think this kid giggle what .


I love traveling. traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. whats more, it refreshes me. you can go to disneyland and experience what its like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature!

You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. experience is a type of living knowledge. youll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. you dont even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. just dont forget to bring your backpack!


The summer vacation, I and my father went to the beautiful and rich in dalian.

A opened his eyes, is busy street. All kinds of buildings, nearly every building was close to hundreds of layers. Walked 20xx meters north to dalian 4 d cinema, the film infinite aftertaste letting a person. After watching the movie we went to do sightseeing car, the car from the top down to see the scenery of tour is really having a unique style, blue sea, green trees, the distant island like make the finishing point of the pen, let a person today.

We returned to the military academy in the sightseeing car, from the first day of the end...

The next day, early in the morning, we had finished our meal, then go to the museum in dalian, there are all kinds of pottery and porcelain, varied, are valuable in every situation, but finally we visited the two mummies, is said to be unearthed in xinjiang, clothing still preserved, are on the hair and beard. Museum after the visit, we went to dalian Ocean Park, inside the graceful dolphin, cherish the Marine animals, white Ji dolphin performances in the evening, our trip was over. We are reluctant to go looking at the beautiful city, she seems to say ”goodbye“ to us more walk more far more walk more far...


We came to Shaoshan Mao Zedongs hometown. We visited Mao Zedong grew up from home, his house is made of clay tiles, covered with green tiles, a total of three and a half. The house of his house is surrounded by flowers and trees. Mao was very naughty when he was a child, and he often swam in front of the pond. We also went to visit the graves of Mao Zedongs parents. I gave him (her) who gave flowers, respect the sprinkle, also bowed three bow. I think he (she) are also great, because he (she) who raised a so good son.

Finally we came to the bronze statue of Mao Zedong. There are six monuments, respectively, to commemorate Mao Zedong died six relatives. He (she) are sacrificed for the revolution. Mao Zedong bronze statue of 18.3 meters high, Mao Zedong hand manuscript seems to be ready to speak. I also had three prayers before his bronze statue.

It was my pleasure to visit Maos old house today.


Mom and dad said that xiamen is a very beautiful place, with the vast sea, the tall banyan tree, and beautiful scenery of gulangyu, really want to go to xiamen to play! I finally realized this desire in early August, our family and small cover the whole family went to xiamen tourism together.

Came to the gulangyu, see the island has a variety of hangzhou cant see the beautiful store, I like to eat ”Zhang Sanfeng“ milk tea, sweet, sweet sweet, thats great! I also found a big, big banyan tree, is expected to be more than a dozen I can live! However, the place where I most like to play with or baicheng beach and breeze village. Because there are so broad sea, at all budao edge! I and small cap barefoot, on the loose soft sand, has left behind deep shallow footprints on the beach. The waves came, gently stroked my little instep, really comfortable ah! Oh, and the shells, one, two, three... We picked up a lot, I want to take them home!

Behind a few days, we also went to play XiaoDeng island, in there, and dolphins so near to me, we had a swimming together. Five days passed quickly, we reluctantly left the xiamen, the tour will be I a wonderful memory!


Tianchi lake is located in the border of China and north Korea in the southeastern jilin baishan city, beautiful scenery, there is a remarkable place.

Tianchi scenery is beautiful, after a period of a winding mountain road, I came to the top of the mountain, see the sky the dense fog, hazy at the moment. Suddenly, in a blink of time, the fog dispersed, the beauty of the tianchi show in front of my eyes, blue on the bottom of lake, surrounded by snow-capped mountains in the sun, white were shining brilliantly, snow-capped mountains reflected in the lake, as if we went to the fairyland. ”Summer and winter snow on the mountain, look at four of the white is unusual, yue long white." This is Mr. Liu qing dynasty poets wrote. Tianchi in changbai mountain to the top of the hill, the water temperature is very low, so no fish pool.

Tianchi in the surrounding snow-capped mountains, there is a notable mountain called north, it is the highest mountain in the changbai mountain peak in 16, from a distance, I saw the wind light cloud light, each show enshrouded peaks, only the north sister is like concealed, the mystery of the lock in the cloud and mist, standing at the edge of the tianchi, lifted up his eyes, white clouds, north LinChi, like a sword, straight into the sky, very spectacular.

This is the changbai mountain tianchi, a fascinating beautiful place!



New Year resolution

When it comes to New Year resolution, everyone has his or her own plan to change the way of life. As for me, when New Year is around the corner, there are also many ideas popping in my mind.

First and foremost, I will try my best to get rid of my shortcomings. For instance, sometimes when encountering frustrations, I am prone to lose heart. So I will endeavor to be more diligent and perseverant and learn to change the difficulties into impetus. Second, for the book is the ladder of human progress, it is necessary for me to spend more time reading books which can broaden my horizons. Last but not least, I’d like to participate in some activities for the sake of making my college time more meaningful and colorful, which to some degree is intimately attached to the ability of verbal expression and interpersonal skills.

All in all, New Year is a new start of our life, what we should do is making a well preparation. Just as the going says “success occurs when preparations meet opportunities”.新年计划的英文
