
2024-05-31 11:40:02

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云台山英文导游词 1

Tourist friend:

Hello, I am a small tour guide in Yuntai Mountain - Meng Jin, now I take you to visit the places of holy water in famous mountains - Yuntai Mountain, Yuntai Mountain tour guide.

We came to the “old stone path along the lake ditch”, legend, once upon a time there was a drought every year, regardless of the will of God of the Milky way, without rain, was banished to the earth, living here. People call this as “Tan Longtan”, descendants of the honorific “old Tan gou”.

Yuntai Mountain is the “three steps a spring, five step pool ten step waterfall”, we move forward, we have to move forward: small tan Gou, wash inkstone, Longfeng gorge...... The front is the “not the old spring”, the legend that the “not old spring” water can be immortal, the three grade composition of primary school, “Yuntai Mountain guide words”. Tourist friends can taste the sweet spring water of “no old spring”.

We have heard the noise of “splash”. This is the famous first waterfall in Asia. It falls 314 meters. Now we have seen the spectacular waterfall. Let us involuntarily associate Li Bais poem “three thousand feet down, nine days in the Milky way.”

Well, Ill introduce it to you, and the rest of the time will be given to you. You can take pictures and leave a permanent memory for yourself.

云台山英文导游词 2

Distinguished visitors, everyone! Today, we are going to visit the Yuntai Mountain world geological park. Yuntai Mountain is the worlds five - a famous tourist area, where it is full of vitality, please protect the environment.

The attractions we first came to Yuntai Mountain Quanbao gap. In the early morning, between the two mountains, there was a magnificent and beautiful waterfall. Li Bai, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote here a poem “watching the waterfall of Mount Lu”. It exaggerated the big waterfall as “flying three thousand feet straight, doubting that the galaxy is going to fall for nine days.” I think everyone knows.

Next, we are going to see the peak of Yuntai Mountain, the peak of Cornus officinalis, which is about 1300 meters above sea level, and is the main peak of Yuntai Mountain. The Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei also wrote here in September 9th “Shandong Yi brothers” the eternal quatrains. A small pavilion stands on the top of the peak. It is the place where the dogwood is ed. Please watch it carefully.

After swimming the saint top, the place we came to was the famous red stone gorge. These purple red quartz sandstones are deposited in the coastal zone 1 billion 200 million years ago. In 2 million 500 thousand years, due to the strong uplift and erosion of the tectonic movement of the cutting depth, the formation of more than 150 meters high and red cliff Duanbi, became Hong danxia.

The last place Im going to take is the Wanshan temple. Wan Shan Temple is located in the shape of the nose below the nipple of Yama mountain, around the green hills, beautiful scenery, can let you breathe fresh air. Visitors, friends, take a few deep breaths with me. You will never forget this breath.

Visitors, friends, there are beautiful scenery everywhere in Yuntai Mountain. I cant say so. Please take a slow tour.

云台山英文导游词 3

Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Today, we will be visiting the Yuntai Mountain World Geopark. Yuntai Mountain is a world-renowned 5A tourist destination, full of vitality everywhere. Please consciously protect the environment.

The first attraction we came to was the Spring Waterfall Gorge of Yuntai Mountain. In the morning, between these two high mountains, there is a magnificent and beautiful waterfall. The great Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai once wrote a poem here titled “Looking at the Waterfall of Mount Lu”, exaggerating the metaphor of this great waterfall as “flying down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling into nine days.” I think everyone knows it.

Next, what we are about to see is the peak of Yuntai Mountain - Zhuyu Peak, which has an altitude of about 1300 meters and is the main peak of Yuntai Mountain. Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei also wrote the timeless quatrain of “Remembering Shandong Brothers on September 9th” here. On the summit stands a small pavilion, which is the place for planting Cornus officinalis. Please take a closer look.

After swimming at Shengding, we arrived at the famous Hongshi Gorge. These purple red quartz sandstones were deposited in coastal areas 1.2 billion years ago. For 2.5 million years, due to the strong uplift of the new tectonic movement and the deep cutting of water erosion, a Danya cliff with a height of over 150 meters has been formed, becoming the Hongshi Gorge.

The last place I want to take everyone to is Wanshan Temple. Wanshan Temple is located under the nipple shaped peak of Yanwanbi Mountain, surrounded by green mountains, with beautiful scenery that allows everyone to breathe fresh air. Tourists, follow me and take a few deep breaths! This breath will definitely be unforgettable for everyone.

Dear tourists, Yuntai Mountain is full of beautiful scenery everywhere, and I cant say for sure. Please take your time to explore.

云台山英文导游词 4

Dear tourists

We will be visiting the beautiful Yuntai Mountain, which is a national 5A level scenic spot with a total area of 190 square kilometers. It includes ten major attractions: Quanpu Gorge, Tanpu Gorge, Hongshi Gorge, Zifang Lake, Baijiayan, Xianyuan, Shengding, Diecai Cave, and Qinglong Gorge.

Today, we are going to visit the Hongshi Gorge of Yuntai Mountain. Hongshi Gorge is the essence of Yuntai Mountain scenic spot. Praised by landscape architecture experts as a “boutique natural landscape corridor.”. The tour takes about an hour and a half, please pay attention to safety.

First of all, we arrived at the gate of Hongshi Gorge, and what caught our eyes were rocks of various shapes. The steep mountain road made people tremble with fear. After crossing the first line of overpass, we climbed up the mountain road and followed the steep and narrow road to reach the Black Dragon Cave. The cave was thirty meters long and had several small lamps inside. I saw the tourists all feeling eerie, listening to the sound of water in the cave, only hearing its sound, not seeing its water. It was a dangerous and interesting situation.

The biggest characteristic of Hongshi Gorge is that the stones are red. There is also a legend about this: it is said that there were nine dragons living in Hongshi Gorge before, mainly led by the black and white dragon kings. Once, when the two dragon kings played chess, the white dragon lost. It was not convinced, and the black dragon was angry. They fought against the white dragon, and the dragons blood dyed the stones all over the mountain red, making the chessboard a chessboard stone. This is just a beautiful legend. The stones in Hongshi Gorge are red, and the real reason is that we experienced the geological relics caused by the Sinian crustal movement 1.4 billion years ago.

Today, we are only experiencing a small part of Yuntai Mountain. Thank you for visiting our Hongshi Gorge today. Tomorrow, I will continue to take you on a tour of other scenic spots in Yuntai Mountain. Yuntai Mountain has beautiful scenery everywhere, which will make you linger. In the following time, please take your time to explore!

云台山英文导游词 5

Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Henan for a trip. Im glad to be your tour guide today. My surname is Sun, you can call me Director Sun.

The scenic spot we are visiting today is Yuntai Mountain. Yuntai Mountain is a national scenic spot, one of the first 5A level tourist attractions in China, and one of the first global geological parks. Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, with a total area of 190 square kilometers. There are 11 scenic spots in the scenic area, including Hongshi Gorge, Tanpu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge, Qinglong Gorge, Fenglin Gorge, Macaque Valley, Zhuyu Peak, Diecai Cave, Wanshan Temple, Zifang Lake, and Baijiayan. It is a comprehensive scenic area mainly characterized by the geological and geomorphological landscape of rift structures and hydrodynamic effects, supplemented by natural ecological and cultural landscapes.

Yuntai Mountain is known for its uniqueness in terms of mountains and breathtaking in terms of water. In spring, the mountain flowers are blooming, while in summer, there are waterfalls and flowing springs. In autumn, the red leaves are like fire, and in winter, they are covered in silver. The intensity of the four seasons is always suitable. There is a unique red stone in the scenic area called Qixia, which is unique in the world; Yuntai Mountain Waterfall, with the highest drop in Asia; There is the most beautiful Tanpu Gorge in the Central Plains of China; There is a famous line written by the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei: “Alone in a foreign land, as a stranger, I miss my family twice during festivals.”; Baijiayan and other boutique attractions, praised as “a lake in the sky, with countless scenes in it”. Today we are here, and all tourists will surely have a feast for their eyes.

Now our car has been parked at the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area. After getting off, you can follow the signs to enter various scenic spots, visit and browse freely, and take photos. But be careful to protect the environment of the scenic area and not litter casually. I will still be gathering here at 4 pm for the return trip. Please make sure to follow the schedule.

云台山英文导游词 6


Hello everyone! I am the tour guide of Yuntai Mountain, and now I will take you to the land of famous mountains and holy waters - Yuntai Mountain.

We walked along the stone path and arrived at Laotangou. Legend has it that this place is dry every year. There was a dragon king who was demoted to the mortal world to live here because he did not listen to the instructions of the Jade Emperor. Therefore, this place is also known as Longtan.

As we continue to walk forward, we will see: Xiaotangou, Hongshi Gorge, Bulaoquan, Longfeng Gorge... In front of us is Bulaoquan. Legend has it that drinking the water of Bulaoquan can lead to immortality. Now, you can take photos or taste the sweet spring water of Bulaoquan.

Yuntai Mountain is truly “a spring in three steps, a pond in five steps, and a waterfall in ten steps”. We have now arrived at Longfeng Gorge, and the most famous part of Longfeng Gorge is the Longfeng Wall, because it has a beautiful and tragic legend: there is a dragon and a phoenix in the sky. A butterfly fairy saw that they were a perfect match, so she acted as a matchmaker for the two of them to meet in front of Longfeng Gorge in Yuntai Mountain. Unfortunately, this incident was discovered by the Queen Mother, who was particularly angry and brought a divine eagle to catch them. After several rounds of fighting between the divine eagle and the dragon and phoenix, they couldnt hold on any longer. The Queen Mother thought to herself, “The big thing is not good.” She immediately took off her hairpin and drew a Milky Way between the dragons and phoenixes so that they could never meet. She also asked the divine eagle to guard the dragons and phoenixes and demoted the Butterfly Fairy to the mortal world.

Alright, thats all for me to introduce. The rest of the time, everyone take photos and leave an eternal memory for themselves!

云台山英文导游词 7

Dear tourists

Hello, welcome to Xiaoxue Travel Agency. Today, lets visit Yuntai Mountain, a famous mountain and holy water in northern China. My surname is Wang, so please call me Director Wang.

Alright, we have now arrived at the foot of Yuntai Mountain. Yuntai Mountain belongs to the Taihang Mountains and is a famous mountain in northern Henan. Due to its steep terrain, the main peak is densely and elegantly stacked, resembling a large pot, towering over the peaks. The mountains are often shrouded in clouds and mist, hence the name Yuntai Mountain.

Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, 30 kilometers northeast of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. It borders Shanxi Province to the north, Hui County to the east, faces Fangshan to the west, and is surrounded by an endless plain to the south. There are thirty-six peaks of various sizes here, with lush peaks and magnificent and perilous dreams. The main peak, Zhuyu Peak, has a dense forest and is a national forest park, which can be called a “garden within the garden”. The total planned area of the scenic area is about 55 square kilometers. It is divided into three major systems: the first peak is Yue Jingfei, the Zhuyu Peak, the third peak is Diecai Cave, Nongxiu Valley, the second valley is Jingfei, Wenpan Valley, Pingfang Lake, Laotangou, and the Three Patriarchal Teachings are Jingfei; Zhenqing Palace, Wanshan Temple, Xuandi Temple, and Baijiayan. Here, the natural landscape is beautiful and the cultural landscape is rich. Emperor Xian of Han, Liu Xie, the “Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest” of Wei and Jin, Sun Simiao of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin of Tang Taizong, and his great general Wei Chi Jing all left historical relics here.

Yuntai Mountain boasts breathtaking mountains and beautiful waters, with a cool and pleasant climate. Here, there are abundant springs and dense vegetation, with primitive secondary forests covering the entire mountain range. There are over 400 types of trees and exotic flowers and grasses. Chinese medicinal materials are rich in reserves. In addition to ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, there are also the four famous Huaiyue, as well as over 200 varieties such as Cornus and Angelica.

Now our itinerary is over, I hope everyone is happy!

云台山英文导游词 8

Tourist friends:

Hello everyone, I am Meng XX, the tour guide of Yuntai Mountain. Now, I will take you on a tour of the famous mountain and holy water - Yuntai Mountain.

Friends, now we have entered the Laotangou Scenic Area, singing and enjoying the beautiful scenery all the way. Unconsciously, we have arrived at the end of Laotangou, which is the most famous Yuntai Waterfall with a drop of 314 meters. It is currently the waterfall with the largest drop found in Asia. At this moment, the timeless saying “Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky” will surely surge into your heart. Everyone, look at the white clouds at the top of the waterfall, like clusters of cotton wool, falling leisurely and continuous. The bottom is like flying flowers splashing jade, splashing more than 1 meter high water droplets into a mist, enveloping the waterfall in a hazy mist. It embodies both strength and softness, making people feel full of vitality and uplifted.

Legend has it that in the past, there was a drought year after year here. A Tianhe God disregarded the will of the Jade Emperor and rained rain without permission, and was exiled to the mortal world and lived here. People call this pond “Longtan”, and later generations respectfully call it “Laotangou”.

Yuntai Mountain is known as “Three Steps, One Spring, Five Steps, One Pond, Ten Steps, One Waterfall”. As we move forward, there are: Xiaotangou, Xiyanchi, Longfeng Gorge... Ahead is the “Immortal Spring”. It is said that drinking the water from the “Immortal Spring” can lead to immortality. Tourists can taste the sweet spring water of the “Youth Spring”.

We have heard the sound of water splashing, which is the famous largest waterfall in Asia, with a drop of 314 meters. Now we have seen the spectacular waterfall. Let us involuntarily associate it with Li Bais poem “The flying stream descends three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls into the nine heavens.”.

Alright, thats all for me to introduce. The rest of the time is up to everyone. You can take photos and leave eternal memories for yourself.

云台山英文导游词 9

After discussing the charm of Henan, I will now introduce the provincial capital of Henan - Zhengzhou. In 1954, the capital of Henan Province was relocated from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, making it the political, economic, and cultural center of Henan. Zhengzhou is located in the central part of Henan Province, and can be said to be one of the central provinces. It is also known as the “Green City” and “Shopping City” due to its good greenery and developed commerce. Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is connected in all directions. The important transportation railway hub in China, Longhai and Jingguang Railway, intersect here. The 107 and 310 National Highways, as well as Lianhuo and Jingzhu Expressway, also intersect here. The Xinzheng International Airport, built in , is one of the 21st and top ten international airports in China.

Zhengzhou is a historical and cultural city approved by the State Council, with abundant tourism resources. The Zhengzhou Yellow River Tourist Area is a great place to experience the charm of the Mother River; The hometown of Xuanyuan Huangdi in Xinzheng is a good place for descendants of Yan and Huang both at home and abroad to seek roots and worship their ancestors. There are also famous scenic spots and historical sites such as Dahe Village Site, Shangcheng Site, Zheng Han Ancient City, and Du Fus Hometown. During your trip to Henan, you can not only feel the enthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, but also appreciate the vastness and profoundness of Central Plains culture.

As we spoke, our car had already crossed the Yellow River, passed through Xinxiang, and arrived in Jiaozuo City. Jiaozuo is located in the northwest of Henan Province, bordered by the Taihang Mountains to the north and the Yellow River to the south. Located at the intersection of the north and south of China, at the junction of the east and west, it is also the central area of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge in China, with a pivotal position of connecting the east and west valleys to the south and north. Jiaozuo is a city with abundant tourism resources. In , Jiaozuo entered the ranks of excellent tourist cities in China, and the landscape brand of Jiaozuo began to be well-known nationwide. Jiaozuos natural scenery is beautiful and magnificent. The Taihang Mountains are layered with peaks, and the mother river has a long and flowing source. The mountains and rivers have created the grandeur of Jiaozuos mountains and rivers, creating a great trend in Jiaozuos tourism

云台山英文导游词 10

In ancient times, Yuntai Mountain was a vast ocean. With the passage of centuries and changes in the earths crust, it gradually rose and raised to form a plain. During the orogenic period over a billion years ago (Ordovician and Sinian), the landscape underwent significant changes. In the Yanshan period, the north rises to form high mountains, while the south descends to form plains. Under the influence of the Himalayan orogeny, the mountainous areas rose sharply, and rivers quickly cut down, forming deep and steep canyons. Subsequently, the surface and groundwater dissolved the rocks along the cracks, combined with the influence of other weathering forces, resulting in the current form of mountains and rocks.

The landscape of “Zhangshiyan Landform” in the park is characterized by a series of gorges, crisscrossing peaks and valleys, long cliffs, and terraced cliffs. It is a special landscape formed mainly by tectonic action and combined with natural erosion. It is a new type of landforms that has both aesthetic and aesthetic value, as well as typicality.

The Middle Proterozoic Jixian Yunmengshan Formation to the Upper Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation, dating back approximately 1.4 to 300 million years ago, is exposed in a systematic and complete manner; There are typical structural relics in the Archean Early Proterozoic basement, such as the basement Archean gneiss complex structure, the basement secluded dome structure of the Early Proterozoic crustal rock, the overlying structure of the cover layer, the ductile shear zone structure, the ductile brittle deformation structure, the brittle fracture structure, the unilateral mountain structure, as well as the collapse structure and landslide structure in the cover layer. The special structural location and geological conditions of the park greatly promote the development of water bodies and hydrodynamic processes. The formed waterfalls, streams and rivers, calcareous terraces, calcareous waterfalls, and calcareous beaches represent the characteristics of karst in northern China and are a beautiful scenic line. Especially the relics of the new tectonic movement are scattered throughout the park, which is very typical.

云台山英文导游词 11

Everyone has worked hard all the way. First of all, on behalf of China Travel Service, I welcome everyone to Henan for sightseeing and tourism. I am Xiao Zhang, the tour guide for this trip. The person sitting next to me is our driver - Mr. Wang. We will provide full service for everyone during this trip to Henan. On the journey, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can bring them up and we will do our best to meet your needs. Finally, I wish everyone a pleasant journey Have fun swimming, have fun playing

Now we are heading to Yuntai Mountain, the only scenic spot in Henan Province that has seven national titles, including a world geological park and a national 5A level tourist attraction. It is located in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. Starting from Zhengzhou, passing through the Zhengzhou Jiaojin Expressway, crossing the Yellow River, passing through Xinxiang and Wuzhi, it takes about two and a half hours to reach Yuntai Mountain in Xiuwu County. During this period, I will first introduce an overview of Henan and its provincial capital, Zhengzhou.

Henan is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and is named Henan because most of its area is south of the Yellow River. Henan was formerly known as “Yuzhou” or “Yu” for short. Over two thousand years ago, there was a saying in the “Book of Documents - Yu Gong” that “the land of the Nine Provinces in a sequence, Henan lived alone among them”, hence it was also known as “Zhongzhou” or “Central Plains”. Henan is one of the main birthplaces of ancient civilization in China and the world. It has created impressive prehistoric cultures such as Peiligang Culture and Yangshao Culture on this land, opening the prelude to Chinese human civilization. From the Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Henan has been at the center of politics, economy, and culture for more than 3000 years throughout the more than 4000 year ancient historical period. Henans underground cultural relics are the first in the country, and its above ground cultural relics are the top. The cultural relics rank second in the country and are praised by historians as the “Museum of Chinese History and Nature”.

